Sales Funnel Build

The Situation

A business in the pet health space wanted to improve the return on investment they were seeing from Facebook advertising and through email marketing and automation

We were hired to come in and clean up their automations, write new email copy, and revamp their template designs. We were also hired to rewrite their sales page copy and implement a new design. The goal was to split test our new version against their existing sales page to see if we could improve conversion rates.

The Outcome

We analyzed their existing automation flow and completely revamped it. We also wrote new copy and thoroughly redesigned their sale page then setup an A/B split test of it and their existing sales page on Google Optimize. We also managed their Facebook and Instagram ads for 3 months. The results of what we found were, unfortunately, a bit underwhelming. While we nearly doubled the ROAS they were seeing from ads, the amount of ad spend they were trying to allocate on a monthly basis coupled with the lack of properly being able to track LTV of customers, made it hard to see tangible results.

Tools Used

“It is essential to have good tools, but it is also essential that the tools should be used in the right way.” – Wallace D. Wattles


The best email marketing and automation solution for eCommerce-based businesses and affiliate marketers.


A web publishing software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog.

Google Analytics

A web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic.

Google Optimize

A free website optimization tool that allows you to test variants of web pages and see how they perform against an objective.

Before Our Redesign
Restorapet Sales Page
After Our Redesign

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