Sales Funnel Build

The Situation

A client in the alternative medicine space wanted to launch a new remote course offering. Their goal was to attract high-quality leads and ultimately sales of their online course. They needed a means of capturing leads and nurturing them from prospect to buyer.  

We were hired to come in and create a multi-step lead generation and sales funnel, write email copy, and run their Facebook and Instagram ads. 

The Outcome

We wrote the copy for, designed, set up, and integrated a multi-step lead generation and sales funnel on ClickFunnels and on Wix. We also built out additional email sequences within Mailchimp. 

We were able to generate sales for her course which averaged around $100 per sale, and the AOV for the funnel was around $180. 

Tools Used

“It is essential to have good tools, but it is also essential that the tools should be used in the right way.” – Wallace D. Wattles


An email marketing solution that's best suited for start-up businesses due to their affordable pricing structure.


A funnel building platform that allows you to build beautiful yet highly converting funnels.

Google Analytics

A web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic.

Facebook & Instagram

Social media channels used to reach a wide, yet highly targeted audience.

HMA sales funnel

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