eCommerce Case Study – Rodeo Apparel

Rodeo Apparel

The Situation

A client in the rodeo apparel space reached out to us because their ad campaigns started to tank after May of this year. They were barely getting about 1.3X return on ad spend and had been previously burned by another advertising agency.

We were brought on to strategize, setup, manage, and optimize their Facebook advertising. We also wrote a series of automated emails and transaction-based email sequences to recover abandoned carts, nurture leads, and cross-sell existing customers to extend LTV per new customer acquired. 

The Outcome

We started working on their account on August 4th. With less than a full month of advertising, we doubled their website conversion rate, increased their overall ROAS (return on ad spend) to be 3.72X, and more than tripled their previous month’s revenue.

HHRC End of Month

Client Testimonial

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