Lead Generation Funnel Build

The Situation

A client in the credit repair space was launching a new business. Their goal was to attact high-quality leads. They needed a means of capturing leads and nurturing them.  

We were hired to come in and create a lead generation funnel, write email copy, and run their Facebook and Instagram ads. 

The Outcome

We wrote the copy for, designed, set up, and integrated a multi-step lead generation funnel on ClickFunnels. We also built out a lead nurture email sequence, a call booking sequence, a no-show sequence, and a new customer email sequence within ActiveCampaign.

We were able to generate leads for around $18.79 each. 

credit repair leads

Tools Used

“It is essential to have good tools, but it is also essential that the tools should be used in the right way.” – Wallace D. Wattles


The best email marketing and automation solution for lead generation-based businesses and affiliate marketers.


A funnel building platform that allows you to build beautiful yet highly converting funnels.

Google Analytics

A web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic.

Facebook & Instagram

Social media channels used to reach a wide, yet highly targeted audience.

CreditPro lead generation funnel

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