Lead Generation Funnel Build

The Situation

A business in the healthcare niche wanted to generate leads to their new service offering.  

We were hired to come in and create a multi-step lead generation funnel and setup some email automations on the backend of their funnel.

The Outcome

We wrote the copy for, designed, set up, and integrated a lead generation funnel on ClickFunnels. We also built out a lead nurture email sequence, a call booking sequence, and a new customer email sequence within ActiveCampaign

Tools Used

“It is essential to have good tools, but it is also essential that the tools should be used in the right way.” – Wallace D. Wattles


The best email marketing and automation solution for lead generation-based businesses and affiliate marketers.


A funnel building platform that allows you to build beautiful yet highly converting funnels.

Google Analytics

A web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic.

Tracking Scripts

Used to track the journey that leads take within the funnel steps and identify bottlenecks.

carehalo lead gen funnel

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